Be sure to get rid of those items that are not whole food and plant-based. If you like to plan meals for the week, make sure your plant-based grocery list includes what you need from the meals you'll make. If you prefer to wing it, choose plant-based staples so you'll have plenty to work with when mealtime rolls around.
- Pasta - Brown, Black, or Wild Rice - Farrow - Barley - Whole-Grain Crackers - Whole-Grain Bread - Whole-Grain Flour for Baking - Whole-Grain Cereal - Beans
Beans | Legumes Tomatoes | Pasta Sauce
Potatoes | Onions | Greens Corn | Beets | Much More All Kinds of Fruit | Fresh Berries
Soy | Rice | Cashew | Pea Coconut | Flax | Hemp | Almond
Dates | Nutritional Yeast Vital Wheat Gluten Refrigerated Tofu | Nuts Tamari | Vegan Worcestershire Vinegar | Maple Syrup