This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: I’ve boarded the plant-based struggle bus, and I’d really like to get off at the next stop. I’m hoping you can help! I started to slowly transition to a WFPB diet in…
Reader Questions
Reader Question: Will All These Carbs Make Me Gain Weight?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. Reader Question: I just found you on Pinterest and love the recipes. My husband and I are interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet but my main concern is the number of grains and…
Reader Question: Always Hungry on a Plant-Based Diet?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. Reader Question: I’m having trouble staying full on a plant-based diet. Can you help me? Plant-Based Cooking Answers: It’s not always the case but I’ve heard this before. I have a couple of suggestions…
Reader Question: Help, How Do I Stop Gaining Weight on a Plant-Based Diet
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. Reader Question: Have been doing plant-based for more than two years and have never looked back. Initially lost 24 pounds. Went from 138 to 114 and have really enjoyed the adventure. However, in the…
Reader Question: Not Everyone’s Health Recovers on a Plant-Based Diet
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series, however, it’s more of a comment than a question. See what you think. READER COMMENT: It’s great to hear about your health journey and success; however, let’s be honest, a whole food plant-based lifestyle…
Reader Question: Help! We Just Don’t Like Plant-Based Food
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: Hi Diane, At age 56, and struggling with menopausal weight gain, I watched The Game Changers and read Dr. Greger’s book, “How Not to Diet.” My husband and I switched to a…
Reader Question: Why Are We So Bloated on Our Plant-Based Diet?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: Hello! I just found your site as my husband and I are transitioning to a plant-based diet after watching a few documentaries and having poor family health history. We are on day…
Reader Question: How Do I Stop Wasting Food and Start Saving Money?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: One challenge I’ve encountered on a plant-based diet is how much money to spend on what? I went crazy and bought so many fruits and vegetables the first week I threw almost…
Reader Question: How Do I Stop Craving Meat and Being Hungry All the Time?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: I’ve been plant-based faithfully since Feb 2017, it solved just about every issue I was dealing with from sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, I take no medicine anymore but Zantac for heartburn,…
Reader Question: Concerned About Getting Enough Protein and is Soy Safe?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: You are such an inspiration to me, and your recipes never fail to satisfy! It is evident that you are passionate about plant-based eating and teaching others how to eat better and…
Reader Question: How Do I Minimize Cravings for Sweet and Salty Snacks?
This post is part of my ongoing Reader Questions Series. READER QUESTION: I seem to manage my plant-based lifestyle, but I’m craving sweets and salty snacks. I eat fruit daily. Plus, I cook with very little to no salt at all. I LOVE my…
Reader Plant-Based Questions Answered
I often receive questions from readers here at Plant-based Cooking and on my Facebook page, as well. So I’ve put together this post, “Reader’s Plant-Based Questions Answered,” because I know if one person asks it, many others have the same question. Starting anything new…