Every once in a while I'll post a video from Dr. Michael Greger's website, nutritionfacts.org. His videos, like the one below on flaxseed and diabetes, are easy to understand and a quick way to get information from nutritional studies. You can get his newsletter or join him on Facebook to get updates.
In this video, Dr. Greger reviews an open-letter study on the effect of flaxseed powder supplementation for the management of diabetes.
According to the study, a relatively small amount of flaxseed powder may help manage blood sugar levels for those who have issues with their sugar levels.
Watch the full video below to get all the details and decide if flaxseed powder supplementation could be beneficial for you.
Flaxseed vs. Diabetes Video
from NutritionFacts.org:
More Information from Reputable Sources
Dr. Greger loves eating a plant-based diet and the information almost always bolsters my resolve to continue on that path.
There are several new books in the market on the advantages of eating plant-based for easing type 2 diabetes, including Dr. Fuhrman's, The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plant to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes and Dr. Neal Barnard's, Program for Reversing Diabetes.
If you really want to dig deeper into the science and benefits of plant-based eating, Goodreads has compiled a very comprehensive list of books (88 books, in fact!), which you can view by clicking here.
Goodreads is a great site where you can read quite literally thousands of book reviews by other bibliophiles. If you're looking for books about the benefits of plant-based eating, I suggesting giving this list a good look.
Books, books, there are so many of them. I hope something might spark your interest. In the meantime, this video is a look at how just one food can make a difference.
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