Although the Covid vaccine is helping, social distancing may be with us for an indefinite period. For some of us, grocery shopping has become a nerve-wracking ordeal. Yet, eating fresh organic produce remains essential to your family’s well-being, especially during the pandemic.

Amazon Fresh has received complaints in the past and I personally had a disastrous experience recently with them. Two pickle jars were broken when a bag was dropped in the driveway (and not brought to our attention), way too much produce delivered, like four heads of Romaine lettuce, when I only ordered one and double the number of potatoes.
Also, because deliveries are taking longer in other areas, consumers are left with limited grocery shopping options.
Going to the supermarket isn’t ideal, because grocery store trips come with the risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus. So, how do you shop for food while protecting your family and adhering to the social distancing recommendations? And, how do you ensure that your food is healthy enough to help your body fight COVID-19 if you get infected?
Here’s a guide to buying fresh and healthy organic produce and other foods without stepping out during the pandemic.
Check Multiple Services
Leading grocery delivery services like Instacart, Amazon Fresh, Walmart, and Peapod are inundated with orders. But some services may be more efficient than others, depending on where you live. For instance, many individuals in the Boston area buy produce online from Amazon Fresh because they make quick deliveries in the region.
Similarly, another service might be making fast deliveries in your town or city. It makes sense to check multiple services before picking an efficient one to avoid delays in delivery. After all, organic fruits and vegetables are best when delivered fresh.
Subscribe to an Organic Produce Box Delivery Service
A weekly organic produce box delivery service is meant to help health-conscious consumers save time by delivering organic food to their doorsteps. A reliable organic fruit and vegetable delivery service, like Farmbox Direct, will get fresh, nutritious, and healthy produce straight to your home at an affordable price.
If you’re wondering about the pluses or ordering organic, check out my article, “Does Organic Really Matter,” for the low down.
These food boxes keep you safe from COVID-19 as they’re delivered to your home every week, preventing you from having to make market trips. On top of that, the seasonal organic produce could strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health because they are ripe and packed with essential nutrients.
Most organic veggies and fruit delivery businesses have straightforward subscription options. It starts with visiting your chosen service’s website and creating an account. You’ll then be asked to pick your box size, produce options, and delivery schedule. Many services also allow you to make some changes to your food box before it’s dispatched every week.
Order Directly From a Food Supplier
Food distributors are an indispensable part of the supply chain for restaurants in the US. But with most restaurants closed and others buying only a fraction of what they would under normal circumstances, some grocery suppliers are offering direct organic produce delivery to consumers. While certain distributors cover widespread areas of the country, you’ll have to do some research to locate the ones near you for quick delivery.
It’s also important to know which organic vegetables and fruits give you the most value for your money when ordering directly from a distributor. And, with so many organic foods coming at a higher price, it makes sense to weigh your budget before placing an order. Of course, for the best produce delivery, it’s also a good idea to double-check to make sure the foods you’re ordering have not been grown with synthetic and sludge-based fertilizers, inorganic pesticides, and GMOs.
Call a Grocery Store Near You
COVID-19 has caused a surge in online orders like never before. Most grocery stores have now partnered with delivery services to fulfill their orders. Due to increased demands, delivery services are overwhelmed at the moment, which means that your order is more likely to take longer to arrive.
If your nearby grocery store is selling organic foods, consider calling them to see if they have an alternate, efficient delivery option in place. The pandemic has prompted many local businesses to innovate and improve their services. By reaching out to a few grocery stores near you, chances are you’ll stumble upon one that can deliver organic foods to you quickly, without involving any middlemen. By getting direct delivery from a store near you, you’ll ensure that organic fruits and vegetables are fresh when delivered.
Buy Produce Online From Restaurants
The coronavirus has slowed down commercial activities worldwide, with restaurants being among the severely affected businesses. Many local eateries and even large chains are now selling organic produce in addition to fulfilling takeout orders. For example, Subway has initiated a delivery service for vegetables in some states. Likewise, Juice Press is offering delivery services for many different organic products.
It’s a good idea to call your favorite restaurant to ask if they’re selling organic fruits and vegetables. If they do, chances are they will be more than happy to deliver your order to your home.
However you decide to purchase your groceries, choosing organic is a healthy option!
We’d love to hear how your grocery shopping experience has gone during the pandemic.
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