This is a quickie Health Tips roundup of articles here on the website that you might find helpful. You can also find useful information on the Tools, Tips, and Freebies page and peruse through all of the articles on the Health Tips link. Maybe…
Health Tips
Intermittent Fasting for Optimum Health
With 2017 just hitting, you might feel that you overindulged during the holidays. Consider, to the rescue, intermittent fasting for optimum health! It just might jumpstart your health while contributing to anti-aging. A few years back, I started a program of intermittent fasting. I’ve heard…
6 Tips for Dealing with Food Triggers
Do you get cravings you can’t ignore? Just recently, I made the mistake of looking at desserts on Pinterest – late at night. Oh boy, that was a mistake. I couldn’t wait to make the blondies I discovered. Good thing they were made with…
10 Every Day Quickies for Health
What You Do Counts! These 10 EVERY day quickies for health can make a difference in your life – who you ultimately become or what you end up doing. Every step contributes to that. It’s the same with our health. We make choices every day…