If you’re confused about what to eat on a whole food plant-based diet because there seem to be so many different takes on it, look for the Plantricious label to help clear things up.
Find Recipes on Plantbasedcooking.com
You can easily find Plantricious recipes on this site. Just look for the Plantricious label (in a search) or click on the link in the dropdown under “Recipes” in the menu bar. Here’s a link straight to the Plantricious recipes!
What does Plantricious Mean?
Plantricious defines a new food category for prepared and packaged plant-based food, as well as recipes that are based upon guidelines created and endorsed by the nation’s most respected medical experts advocating plant nutrition for optimum health.
It’s made up of the words PLANT and NUTRITIOUS. Viola! And isn’t that what we’ve been talking about here on Plant-Based Cooking, eating lots of delicious, nutritious plant-based foods and recipes?
There are two types of seals, the CERTIFIED Plantricious seal, and the Plantricious FRIENDLY seal. The “certified” seal is a little more stringent than the “friendly.”
More About Being Plantricious
- Plantricious provides truth, transparency, and consistency in labeling because… not all plant-based foods are created equal.
- Plantricious is not a diet.
- Plantricious, changing the world by changing what’s on our plates!
- Plantricious gives customer’s what they are looking for, truth in labeling
- Healthy plant-nutritious choices give you peace of mind
- Certified Plantricious: The Trusted Seal for Plant-Based Nutrition
- Plantricious Friendly Seal: Created to identify those foods that may be used as ingredients in or with a Certified Plantricious recipe or food.
How Did the Plantricious Movement Start?
It was the genius of Paige Ohliger and her friends to realize that people can be confused about what it means to eat a whole food plant-based diet. Foods labeled healthy and/or vegan are often highly processed, full of added sugars, sodium, oils, and other not-so-healthy ingredients.
And, this leads to confusion.
Paige decided that if people saw a certification on all things related to eating whole food and plant-based, then they could identify that they were on the right track. It’s a win-win for everyone. Think about other seals that are helpful, like the Non-GMO label.
With the guidance of some of the nation’s most respected medical leaders in plant nutrition, they created guidelines that define what healthy plant nutritious foods are. And, their advisory board includes one of my favorites, Dr. Michael Greger of nutritionfacts.org in addition to Dr. Scott Scoll, Susan Benigas, Brenda Davis, RD. See all of the advisory board.
The Certified Plantricious Seal to easily identify these foods was born.
What Kind of Foods Will Be Labeled Plantricious?
- Recipes: Look for recipes that have the Plantricous “Certified” or “Friendly” seal on my site. You can find them all in one place on this page. You can also find them on the Plantricous Pinterest “Certified” and “Friendly” pages.
- Food Services: Still in the finalizing stages, you’ll find restaurants that meet the guidelines for being Plantricious soon.
- Packaged Foods: More companies are joining the Plantricious movement, but check out these.
Certified Plantricious Guidelines:
- Must be whole food plant-based and contain no animal products
- May be minimally processed
- No added oil
- No added sugars
- No artificial additives or preservatives
- Sodium (mgs) to Calories ratio, 1 ≤ 1
- Total Fiber to Calories, 3g ≥ 100 calories
There are also guidelines for PLANTRICIOUS FRIENDLY RECIPES that are a little less stringent. Discover more about the movement and look for these seals everywhere soon.
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